Can you believe Thanksgiving is just around the corner?! As health experts are urging everyone to stay home, that doesn’t mean we still can’t connect with our loved ones! And believe it or not, with some planning (and good wifi connection), a virtual gathering may end up being the coziest of them all.
Hear us out—comfy sweats, no crowded airports, lots of personal space, and a much-needed mute button for those awkward questions(!) All jokes aside, here are 4 tips to host a safe, socially-distant Thanksgiving.
Coordinate Menus
Let’s be honest—Thanksgiving is about togetherness but it’s also all about the food. Even if you can’t be in the same kitchen, you can still enjoy the same delish meal! Swap recipes and plan the menu ahead of time, so not only can you prep together through your screen of choice but also bond over the same meal. Just make sure to keep it simple for the non-cooks out there.
Continue Traditions
Does your family watch football every year? Or maybe Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade? No reason not to do it this year, too. Let’s keep the time-honored traditions going while starting new ones!
Plan Virtual Activities
Whether you decide to print out the same activity pages for the kids or find online games for the entire squad, make sure to include some FUN on the itinerary! Virtual activities are a great way to share laughs and forget that we’re living through a global pandemic for a minute.
Prep Your Tech
As we’ve all learned this year, technology can have its quirks. Test out the video platform you’d like to use, send the links early, and figure out the best camera placement and angles for viewability. And maybe even share a quick tutorial for the technologically-challenged (you know who they are).